Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Transgenders And Sports

Recently two transgender female athletes took the top two spots in the statewide track and field championships in Connecticut. Understandably, the athletes who are actually female were discouraged and frustrated by the whole mess.

What is to be done about this whole problem of men declaring they "feel like a woman" and dominating female sports? DuckHK thinks he has the answer.
Subscribe to DuckHK on BitChute for more insightful political commentary.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Conservative Attacked Recruiting For TPUSA At UC Berkeley

Last week America watched in horror as a volunteer with Turning Point USA was brutally attacked by an unhinged Leftist at UC Berkeley. What was this young man's supposed crime? Simply being a conservative voice on an ultra-left wing college campus.

UC Berkeley campus police have thus far been unable to identify the man's attacker, although they believe he is not a student.

BitChute vlogger LivingCapone discusses the attack at UC Berkeley, and offers some advice for conservatives that may find themselves in similar situations in the future.
Subscribe to LivingCapone on BitChute for more insightful political commentary.

Four Facebook Alternatives You Should Join!

Facebook sucks. You know it. I know it. The entire world knows it. 

So why do we keep using it?

Many times it's because people are unaware that there's even an alternative to Facebook out there. Facebook often seems like it's the only game in town as far as social media goes. People keep offering up their time and, more importantly, their data to the Almighty Zuckerberg because they aren't aware they have a choice in the matter.

Lucky for us Justin Derby of Truth: The Objective Reality has compiled a list of four legitimate alternatives to Facebook.
Subscribe to Truth: The Objective Reality on BitChute for religious commentary with a healthy dose of free speech.

The Utah Outcasts Approve Of InfoWars Being Censored

The Utah Outcasts is a YouTube channel that bills itself as "a ragtag bunch of anti-theist, atheist, secular humanists who are trying to bring a bit of sanity back to the state they love that has been bought wholesale by the LDS Church."

Perhaps it's no surprise that these social justice warriors from the land of Senator Mittens Romney approve of the wholesale deplatforming that Alex Jones and InfoWars has experienced over the last few months.

Watch as Justin Derby from Truth: The Objective Reality takes the Utah Outcasts to task over their hypocritical attacks on free speech.
Subscribe to Truth: The Objective Reality for religious commentary with a healthy dose of free speech.

President Trump Is Sued For Sexual Harassment

Former Trump campaign staffer Alva Johnson filed a federal lawsuit against President Trump and his campaign in Tampa on Monday. Ms. Johnson alleges that President Trump kissed her without her consent at a campaign rally in Tampa in 2016.

The incident apparently left Alva Johnson feeling so violated that she...waited over two years before filing her lawsuit?

I'll tell you why that's not suspicious at all, and anyone who says otherwise is a racist.

Subscribe to The Kaiju Conservative on BitChute for more hard-hitting political commentary.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Psycho Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Declares Herself ‘The Boss’

Democrat congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went on a bit of a rant at the New York Hall of Science this past weekend.

Ocasio-Cortez was discussing the criticism of her "Green New Deal" boondoggle, and launched into a tirade that blasted her critics. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez declared that she was in charge because she was "trying" to solve climate change.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's so-called "Green New Deal" debuted to a withering firestorm of criticism from pundits and politicians on both the Left and the Right. Things got so bad for Team AOC that her office was forced to scrub a FAQ on the Green New Deal from their website. The FAQ included such thrilling policy proposals as banning air travel, meat, cow farts, and mandating railroad travel and public transportation for pretty much everything.

At one point one of Team AOC's staffers attempted to disavow the Green New Deal FAQ, saying that it was a fake document put out by Republicans to make the proposal look bad.

Team AOC later claimed that the FAQ was an early draft that was released by mistake.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's latest rant came just days after she had ranted about people in Washington, D.C. following her and texting about her behind her back.
No doubt Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saw herself as some noble freedom fighter standing up against evil corporations and RethugliKKKans in order to provide a brighter future for children everywhere:
Perhaps she saw herself as some pop culture anti-hero taking charge of a dysfunctional Democrat party:
Really, though, the only thing I could think of after hearing Ocasio-Cortez screech about how she's in charge was this:
Is it just me, or is AOC getting more unhinged with each passing day?

Subscribe to The Kaiju Conservative on BitChute for more hard-hitting political commentary.

Cross posted at Sparta Report.

Jennifer Rubin: Burn Republicans, Leave No Survivors

  Jennifer Rubin has thrown herself behind her new role as a left wing provocateur. The "conservative" has spent the last four yea...