Saturday, April 20, 2019

Wow! Nancy Pelosi Is Super Pissed At AOC!

Poor Nancy Pelosi. She's completely lost control of her caucus to the latest crop of extreme Left Democrat freshman.

Where Nancy once ruled the House Democrats with an iron fist young Communists like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar rule the roost. They even forced Nancy to back off of a resolution condemning Ilhan Omar's bigotry. Now that's power.

Nancy Pelosi was speaking at the London School of Economics and Political Science this weekend when she took a swipe at AOC winning in New York.

The insult disguised as a joke made it perfectly clear that Nancy Pelosi is super pissed at AOC.

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Friday, April 19, 2019

Screw The Triggered Leftists Of Laguna Beach

The police department of Laguna Beach, California recently unveiled a new fleet of cars. The SUVs were painted in the traditional style of the black and white police car with a bit of an added, patriotic twist. All in all the new paint jobs made a fitting tribute to the country that the police have sworn to serve and protect.

Of course, Laguna Beach Leftists were positively triggered by the new paint job. Protesters have demanded the police department change the paint job.

You know what? Screw these triggered Leftists.

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Thursday, April 18, 2019

On Ilhan Omar's Tone Deaf Notre Dame Statement

On Monday the world watched in horror as the 800 year old Notre Dame cathedral in Paris caught fire. The cause of the fire is unknown, and while the damage to Notre Dame is extensive French authorities have pledged to rebuild one of the most important cathedrals in all of the West.

Many American leaders and politicians sent messages of support to the French people. Among them was Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.

Unfortunately, Ilhan Omar's statement failed to give Notre Dame the respect it's due.

Ilhan Omar's tweet showed how profoundly tone deaf she actually is.
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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Thou Shalt Not Speak Of Arson At Notre Dame!

The investigation into Monday's fire at the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris has only just begun. Right now French prosecutors are saying the evidence points to an accidental fire caused by recent construction work.

The investigation needs to be approached with an open mind, however. Naturally, we need to ask whether or not the fire was an act of arson. Especially given Paris' recent history of church attacks.

Fox News anchors Shep Smith and Neil Cavuto don't want to hear any talk of arson. The Notre Dame fire is completely accidental as far as they're concerned. Case closed.

Shep and Neil even hung up on two guests who dared to ask if the Notre Dame fire was an intentional act.
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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Speaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Joe Biden Is A Step Backwards

Many people, myself included, have been wondering whether or not the Democrat party would back Joe Biden's presidential bid if and when he chooses to run. Especially with all of the women coming forward to accuse Creepy Uncle Joe of touching them and/or inhaling their hair into his lungs.

"I love the smell of Pantene in the morning." Joe Biden
Today it seems we have our answer. The current leader of the Democrat party in the House, Speaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, told the Yahoo! News podcast Skullduggery exactly what she thinks of a potential Joe Biden run.

Let's just say AOC's response probably didn't fill Joe Biden's campaign manager with any hope:

"That does not particularly animate right now," she said, adding that she has "a lot of issues" with a potential Biden run.
"I can understand why people would be excited by that, this idea that we can go back to the good old days with Obama, with Obama's vice president. There's an emotional element to that, but I don't want to go back. I want to go forward."
While Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did say she would support whoever the Democrat candidate might be, her assessment of Joe Biden is far from a ringing endorsement. She all but told Uncle Joe to stay the hell out of the race without coming out and saying it.

The social justice wing of the Democrat party has made it abundantly clear that they do not want another old, white male running for president this time around. The radical Leftist base of the party would very much prefer a Kamala Harris or a Spartacus. They want a Person of Color who espouses all of the standard social justice points.

Super gay Mayor Pete might be acceptable, although to be honest his last name sounds like some weird German sex toy.

Put a Buttigieg in your...uh...never mind...
Joe Biden, as an ultra-handsy elderly white male, is the exact opposite of what the social justice warriors want. That's why the new leader of the social justice Democrat Socialist party issued what amounts to a strong condemnation of a potential Biden run.

Never mind the fact that Creepy Uncle Joe is probably the Democrats' only hope of even coming close to beating Trump in 2020. The social justice Democrats would rather have an ideologically pure candidate lose in 2020 than to win with a perceived squish. Even if he was Obama's vice president.

Sorry, Joe, your time has passed. Maybe you should've shoved Hillary out of the way in 2016. Better luck in the next life.

The ACLU Declares Florida A Racist Hell Hole

There are currently two bills working their way through the Florida legislature that have been deemed "anti-immigrant" by the Left. These bills-one in the Florida House and one in the Senate-would ban any sanctuary cities.

They would also require state and local officials to assist ICE when requested.

These bills essentially have no impact on law-abiding immigrants wishing to travel to the state of Florida. Illegal alien criminals would be adversely affected.

Which is why, of course, the ACLU decided to issue a "travel warning" for immigrants and minorities that might be wishing to visit the Sunshine State.

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Monday, April 15, 2019

President Trump Will Honor Tiger Woods With A Presidential Medal Of Freedom

Tiger Woods pulled off an incredible win at the Masters at Augusta on Sunday. Tiger's victory represents his first major win in eleven years, and his first win at the Masters since 2005.

There's no doubt that Tiger Woods has overcome a lot in the past few years. Winning the Masters could represent the start of a great comeback for a golfer who many assumed had lost his edge.

President Trump announced on Monday via Twitter that he would be honoring Tiger Woods by awarding him a Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Naturally, Twitter erupted with condemnations of President Trump's decision to honor Tiger Woods.
I have no idea who this Tiger Golf is. Apparently he's a better golfer than Tiger Woods, but not as good a war hero as John McCain. Also a sex addict.


Dude, you just replied three times to the same tweet. Yet you're complaining about Trump not working?
Interesting that a Leftist is comparing a black athlete to a criminal. Racist much?

Grandpa's gone senile. Time to put him down.
I know I've said this before, but I'd just like to point out that this man is a "mental health counselor" according to his Twitter bio.

Let that sink in.

Leftists seem to be awfully mad that President Trump is choosing to honor a black man in the White House with the highest award that can be bestowed.

Seems kind of racist if you ask me.

Notre Dame Cathedral Still Stands After Massive Fire

Earlier today the world watched in horror as the ancient medieval cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris caught fire. The blaze spread quickly as it engulfed the roof of the cathedral.

Hundreds of Parisians had gathered outside of Notre Dame to pray for the beloved historical landmark.

President Trump even chimed in on Twitter urging Paris fire officials to act as swiftly as possible to save Notre Dame.

It seems that Parisian's prayers have been answered, as Paris fire officials are announcing that they have managed to save one of the most famous Christian landmarks in the world.
It is unknown at this time what started the massive blaze that broke out around 6:50 PM local time. Notre Dame has been undergoing restoration work, and authorities believe the blaze may have been the result of an accident. The cathedral is still burning, however, and authorities have not yet been able to enter the cathedral to investigate.

Worth noting is the fact that Paris has recently been seeing a surge of vandalism and attacks against churches. Obviously it's too early to say whether the fire was accidental or whether it was arson, but one can only hope that French authorities will follow the trail wherever it leads.

Trump Demands Democrats Fix Lax Immigration Laws...Or Else

President Trump again repeated his threat to saddle Democrats' beloved sanctuary cities with the "cultural enrichment" only illegal aliens can provide. Trump also called on Democrats to fix the country's lax immigration laws in a tweet Saturday evening.
Strangely enough, Democrats have been rather reluctant to welcome hordes of illegal aliens...erm...undocumented bundles of joy and love into their own backyards. Leftists reacted to President Trump's latest demand with their typical venom.
The oath of office that all Democrats took when they were elected included a little tidbit about "preserving and protecting" the Constitution. Shockingly, President Trump expects Democrats to actually live up to their end of the bargain.
You added an unnecessary space after "you" and "idiot." Proper grammar is a must when calling someone an idiot on the Internet.
His Twitter bio says "mental health counselor." Right, and I'm Meghan Markle's cisgendered bastard love child she had with Elton John.
I mean...he's not wrong.
Oh look, it's a Krassenstein brother tossing out lies on a Trump tweet.

I'd come up with some kind of witty retort, but quite frankly the Krassensteins are boring as hell.


What about hoary old Democrat crones that acid wash their illegal private servers and then bust up their phones with a hammer?
Inpeachment? Sounds like the latest fragrance from Calvin Klein.

She just described 90% of the Democrat party.
First, it's actually not illegal. ICE has the power to send illegal immigrants pretty much wherever they want.

Second, Democrats could change the laws if they dropped their ridiculous #Resist crap and actually tried to work with Republicans on common sense solutions to illegal immigration.

That would require, you know, actually governing, something Democrats haven't shown any interest in so far.
Or else Trump's going to send bus loads of illegal aliens to sanctuary cities. Did you not read the tweet you were replying to?

Trump's got Democrats so hot and bothered they've lost all of their reading comprehension skills!

Cross-posted at Sparta Report.

Jennifer Rubin: Burn Republicans, Leave No Survivors

  Jennifer Rubin has thrown herself behind her new role as a left wing provocateur. The "conservative" has spent the last four yea...