Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Welcome to Orange State!

Welcome one and all to Orange State!

First, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

My name is Radius, and I'm just your average, everyday American. I work a minimum of 40 hours a week at a job that could definitely pay more in order to provide for my family. In what little leisure time I have between work and family I blog. I've been blogging for a number of years, starting here at what used to be Trigger Warning Blog. I'm an editor over at the conservative blog Sparta Report, and have been for the last two years.

I also voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

I'll be honest, I didn't start out supporting Donald Trump. Like many I thought his candidacy was simply a flash in the pan. I figured Trump was running for president for self-promotion and to get his name out there in preparation for some sort of venture. Throughout much of the Republican primary season I actually supported Ted Cruz. Cruz struck me as the most conservative candidate with the best message.

As the 2016 Republican primary season wore on I began to hear more and more of Trump's message. I liked a lot of what I heard, but it didn't strike me as a conservative enough message. I consider myself a conservative first and a Republican second. I resolved to continue supporting Ted Cruz with the caveat that if Trump won the Republican nomination I would support him just as fervently as I did Cruz.

Then the 2016 Republican primary took a dark turn. Trump started gaining in the polls, and the Republican candidates attacked him more and more. I noticed that their attacks sounded suspiciously similar to those that Hillary Clinton and other Leftists were using. Ted Cruz himself began using a lot of the same attacks as well. I began to wonder if my conservative hero was really as conservative as I had been led to believe.

Eventually I became disenchanted with Ted Cruz and switched my support fully to Donald Trump. I saw Ted Cruz's main superPAC mercilessly attack Donald Trump's wife Melania over a nude photo shoot that she had done early on in her modeling career. The attacks were vicious, vile, and completely unnecessary. What's worse was that it took Ted Cruz weeks to actually disavow the hateful personal attacks against Melania. That whole affair left a very sour taste in my mouth.

The final straw came when the crowd exiting Donald Trump's rally in Chicago was attacked by hate-filled Leftist protesters. Trump supporters were beaten like dogs in the street simply because they supported someone who the Left disagreed with politically. Ordinary Americans were labeled Nazis, racists, and worse. Trump himself had to be shuffled away from the rally for his own protection. In the aftermath of the violence I saw people like Ted Cruz blaming Trump. Cruz recycled the same disingenuous attacks that the Left was using against Trump.

It was at that moment I resolved to throw my support fully behind Donald Trump.

Things haven't always been easy. There's been a lot of fake news and bias within the Mainstream Media, and even some conservative blogs have presented an unfair picture of President Trump and his agenda. That's why I created Orange State.

The purpose of Orange State is to concentrate on the positive aspects of Donald Trump's presidency. President Trump has done a lot of good for this country. He's managed to roll back much of the disastrous Obama agenda. Trump's economic policies have gone a long way to bringing the country back from Obama's anemic recovery from the Great Recession. Trump's foreign policy has led to America being once again respected by its allies, and feared by its enemies. In short, there has been so much winning that has gone unreported.

Here at Orange State you can expect posts 2-3 times per week that give you the full story on President Trump and the effect his policies are having on the American people. I'll also be pointing out the negative media bias towards Donald Trump, his administration, and indeed his entire family.

Don't come here expecting negative reporting on President Trump. You won't find it. This site is dedicated 100% to supporting President Trump and his agenda. Think of it as my little slice of Internet activism.

Thanks for clicking on the site. Now let's go make America great again!

To 2020 and beyond!

1 comment:

  1. bless_yore_heartMay 9, 2018 at 5:01 PM

    Woot, a new blog! Looking forward to following. Please include your triggered liberal Twitter posts, they are my favorites!

    Been following Radius at for several years, one of my favorite writers.


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