Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Watch Keith Ellison Flush The Blue Wave Down The Drain

Democrat representative and DNC deputy chair Keith Ellison attended this year's MinnRoast event in Minnesota recently. During the event Ellison felt it would be a great idea to try on a bad Donald Trump wig and sing a terrible anti-Trump song.

Rep. Ellison is one of the luminaries of the Democrat party. He's one of the top Leftist leaders that is supposed to be leading his party to a Big Blue Wave in November.

Clearly, Rep. Keith Ellison is leading the Democrat party. Unfortunately, he's leading their Blue Wave straight down the drain.
The MinnRoast event is hosted by the MinnPost, a state news organization. MinnRoast is billed as an event where local politicians and reporters are able to gather and make fun of each other.

While I can appreciate the spirit behind such an event, I'm not sure it's wise for one of the leaders of the Democrat party to spend their time at the event making fun of a popular president. President Trump's approval rating has been climbing ever since December. Rasmussen routinely has President Trump's approval rating around 50%. Trump's approval rating has even been climbing in insanely biased polls put on by Fake News networks like CNN. Perhaps most importantly, a majority of Americans feel the country is heading in the right direction.

Do Ellison and the Democrats really want to run a campaign based on traveling back in times to the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days of the malaise of the Obama administration?

Yes. Yes they do.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Laurel, Yanny...or Trump

Yanny or Laurel is the hottest new meme since people wondered whether the dress was blue and gold or gold and blue.

Or something.

The White House staff decided to weigh in on the controversy Thursday. Did they hear the dulcet tones of Laurel or the seductive sound of Yanny?

The answer may surprise you.
Normal Americans saw the short video as a fun little diversion from the serious business of running the country. While most of the country was laughing along with the Trump administration, however, the Left was busy working themselves into a frothing fit of rage.
I bet he's a Laurel fan.
It's okay to be white. Also...what?
Would these be the poor children of MS-13?
Another Laurel fan.
Wait..is that Jake Tapper?
Yes, why can't Trump just spend weeks on his March Madness bracket like a normal president? [caption id="attachment_177125" align="aligncenter" width="354"]yanny laurel trump obama So presidential...[/caption]
I repeat... [caption id="attachment_177126" align="aligncenter" width="363"]yanny laurel trump obama 2 Presidential...[/caption]
What happened? America happened, snowflake. [caption id="attachment_177127" align="aligncenter" width="428"]yanny laurel trump murica 'Murica...[/caption] Yanny? Laurel? Who cares as long as the Left is dying of collective apoplexy!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Leftists Exploit The Dead Kids Of Santa Fe High School

A degenerate subhuman animal walked into Santa Fe High School in Texas, killed ten people, and injured ten others. The Left immediately pounced on the tragedy in an effort to exploit it for political gain.

 Absolutely disgusting.

 I spend today's episode of Trigger Warning Radio raking the Left over the coals for their hypocrisy:
Show Notes
  1. A brief rundown of the massacre at Santa Fe High School
  2. The Left rushes in screeching about how we need gun control now!
    1. No law can prevent a mass shooting.
  3. Leftists have lost all moral credibility regarding gun control.
    1. Claim to respect life, yet 24 hours earlier they were defending MS-13.
    2. Claim to want "common sense solutions" for gun violence, yet they ignore voices actually proposing common sense solutions for gun safety.
  4. Children will continue to die until we are able to have a serious discussion on school safety.
    1. Focus must be on protecting students, not punishing law-abiding citizens.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Violent Left Has A Taste For MAGA Blood

Today's episode of Trigger Warning Radio showcases two incidents. One in which a black Trump supporter is verbally harassed and threatened by the employees of a Miami Cheesecake Factory. Another where CNN editor Chris Cillizza literally tweeted a picture of President Trump in the cross hairs.

The Left has developed a taste for MAGA blood, and it's only getting worse.
  1. Cheesecake Factory employees harass & threaten a black man wearing a MAGA cap.
    1. Eugenior Joseph threatened at the Dadeland Mall in Miami while eating dinner with his girlfriend's family.
    2. Multiple employees harassed & threatened Joseph because of his hat
    3. Verified by witnesses and video
    4. Cheesecake Factory claims they apologized in person, however Joseph says no such thing happened.
      1. Several employees suspended.
    5. Joseph says he's disappointed a black man can't wear a hat to support the president without being attacked.
      1. Violence against political opponents is endemic on the Left.
      2. Saw a lot of violence against Trump supporters during the 2016 campaign; San Jose & Chicago.
      3. Violence has only gotten worse. 2020 will be worse than 2016.
  2. CNN editor Chris Cillizza put cross hairs on a picture of Donald Trump
    1. Original tweet said “Donald Trump, pointing to heavens to commemorate police officers killed in the line of duty."
      1. Green pic with what appeared to be cross hairs on Trump.
      2. Daily Caller picked up the story.
      3. Cillizza blamed the gif program that CNN uses & deleted the tweet.
    2. Left defends Cillizza's tweet as a mistake.
    3. Remember Sarah Palin's cross hairs map?
      1. Palin blamed for Gabrielle Giffords' shooting even years later.
    4. The Left should be held to their own ridiculous standards.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Make America Great Again Triggers Maxine Waters

What do you think of when you hear "make America great again?" If you're like the Americans who voted for President Trump, or the 60% that approve of the direction the country is heading, the slogan conjures up images of a prosperous and free country where men and women of all ages and races can follow their dreams.

 If you're Maxine Waters, you think it's a racist message spoken by the adherents of the white supremacist creed spouted by Literally Hitler in order to keep you and your people oppressed.

 Rep. Mike Kelly spoke those hateful words "make America great again" during the course of a rather lively debate on the House floor last week. The Scream Queen Maxine Waters didn't like that one bit, and her resulting meltdown would put the rage of an autistic toddler to shame.

Let's watch:
My fervent wish is that the Democrats decide to put Maxine Waters on the ticket for 2020. The sheer insanity of it would ensure a landslide victory of epic proportions...for President Trump that is.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Gushing Over BitChute And Trump's Big North Korea Win

BitChute is doing new and exciting things, and Donald Trump gets to spike the football over a big win with North Korea. Best of all, Democrats and Leftists like Chuck Schumer are pissed as hell.

It's a wonderful time to be alive.

Listen to today's episode of Trigger Warning Radio here:
Show Notes
  1. Intro
  2. Mindless, semi-witty banter.
  3. BitChute is finally getting ready to monetize it's platform.
    1. How does it work?
    2. Why monetizing content will bring more users to BitChute
  4. Trump scored a big win in North Korea this week when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo brought home the remaining three American hostages.
    1. The Left is super pissed, especially Senator Chuck Schumer.
    2. The last three presidents haven't done half as well on Korean peace as Trump has.
    3. This sticks in Leftists' collective craw and makes them insanely jealous.
    4. Oh yes, Trump does deserve full credit on North Korea
  5. Outro
Don't forget to stop by BitChute and subscrbe to The Kaiju Conservative.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Why is Crybaby Jim Acosta Whining Now?

CNN's White House correspondent Jim Acosta is, as a rule, unhappy with everything that President Trump does. The White House press pool's chief purveyor of all things fake news very clearly hates Donald Trump with a passion. President Trump's torching of Obama's Iran deal, however, saw Crybaby Jim Acosta seeing red, and he took to Twitter to express his displeasure.
Aw, poor baby.

The rest of Twitter didn't agree with Crybaby Acosta, however.

President Trump's approval rating has been ticking steadily upwards in every poll released for the last few months. Americans are starting to feel the effects of Trump's America First agenda and are loving what they see. The winning has gotten so bad for Leftists that Reuters was forced to apologize when their latest poll showed Trump's support had increased bigly.

What Crybaby Jim Acosta doesn't understand is his tweet isn't a litany of what's wrong with America today. It's the first ad for Donald Trump's re-election in 2020.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Ambassador Richard Grenell Triggers A German Reporter

President Donald Trump made the decision to withdraw the United States from the awful Iran deal that Obama had "negotiated" back in 2015. President Trump has also indicated that a harsh new round of sanctions similar to those imposed on North Korea may be incoming for Iran. The American ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell took to Twitter yesterday to warn German companies about these incoming sanctions. Grenell also provided some helpful advice for German companies that were currently doing business in Iran.
Sage advice for those who want to do business with a country who has repeatedly violated not only Obama's Iran deal but also the sovereignty of its neighbors in a bid for regional hegemony.
That didn't sit well with Sebastian Fischer of Spiegel Online, however, who tweeted his distaste for such advice.
With all due respect, Herr Fischer, Ambassador Grenell wasn't making that call. Ambassador Grenell took it upon himself to warn German companies about the impending sanctions against Iran. These sanctions would target any company that does business with the despotic regime. This could possibly include German companies as well. Hence the polite suggestion that these companies get out of Iran before they are hit with massive penalties.

The rest of Twitter, it seems, understood Grenell's tweet as a strong suggestion rather than an order. Trump supporters from around the world took the opportunity to call Fischer out on his ridiculous tweet.
Actually 1941 through 1945, but the sentiment is appreciated.
Generally, it's a safe assumption that journalists lack all basic knowledge to function in the real world. That's why their journalists, after all.

You know what the best part of President Trump nuking Obama's Iran deal is? All of these triggered Leftists across the world that think they know how to conduct U.S. diplomacy better than we do.

Their tears are delicious.

So sweet...

April Ryan Says Melania Trump Isn't Culturally American

First Lady Melania Trump debuted her "Be Best" initiative earlier this week. The program has the admirable goal of reducing bullying among children both online and offline. "Be Best" also marks the First Lady's first official initiative.

Naturally, CNN contributor April Ryan decided to attack Melania Trump for daring to try to make the world a better place.
A couple of things here.

First, we've been constantly told that President Trump cyberbullies everyone he meets. Trump is such a cyber bully he'll bully people he hasn't even met yet. Each and every Trump tweet leaves behind scores of bullied people in its wake. Trump's tweeting is so bad it should be considered a war crime! That's what we've been told since Trump first announced his campaign for President of the United States of America.

Who exactly has Trump bullied? That disabled reporter he (allegedly) made fun of during the campaign? The reporter started attacking Trump first as I recall. Plus that was live and in-person, not over the Internet. Bullying itself something that's habitual or repeated. Trump's mocking of that reporter was a one-time thing.

Ted Cruz's wife? You might recall Trump's attacks on Heidi Cruz's looks at a particularly tense moment during the Republican primary. Again, however, it was Donald Trump responding to attacks on his wife from a pro-Cruz super PAC. Attacks which, by the way, went on for weeks before they were finally denounced by Ted Cruz and his campaign.

John McCain? Senator McCain may have served in Vietnam and endured years of torture, but McCain used up any goodwill he had among conservatives long ago. John McCain's status as a war hero counts for exactly nothing today. Ask any red state voter what they think about John McCain and they'll simply spit on the ground and walk away.

Again, John McCain is the one who began attacking Donald Trump during the campaign. McCain has also positioned himself squarely against President Trump and his agenda because...well nobody really knows why. Maybe the tumor ravaging McCain's brainpan ate up what little common sense he had left. Perhaps he's just an ignorant, mean old cuss who spends his free time screaming at kids to get off his damn lawn. The only reason anyone on the Right is being nice to him is that he's dying. John McCain will be forgotten as soon as he shuffles off this mortal coil.

Does President Trump bully the millions of butthurt Leftists who have to look at his tweets every day? Sorry snowflakes, but being constantly reminded of what a loser your First Woman President is does not qualify as being bullied. Put on your big girl panties, suck it up, and move on with your lives.

Any logical person who looks at the facts will realize that Trump isn't the bully in this picture. Trump is the one being bullied. Each and every day President Trump is forced to endure constant attacks on his character, his intelligence, and even his family. No one Trump loves is safe from the wrath of the bullies on the Left, not even Trump's young son Barron. Trump isn't one to submit to bullies, however, and he gives just as good as he gets. That's what gets under the skin of bullies like April Ryan.

The second point I want to bring up here is April Ryan's vile attack against Melania Trump. Melania has been in this country for over 20 years. She became a permanent resident in 2001, and a naturalized citizen in 2006. Melania Trump is an immigrant who came to America, built herself up from nothing, and became the First Lady of the United States. Plus, Melania married rich. What part of her personal story is not American enough for Ms. Ryan?

Then there's the implication that the fact that Melania Trump didn't grow up in America means she can't really understand a complex issue such as cyberbullying. There's an attempt to backtrack, of course, by framing it as an international issue, but the implication is still there. The idea that one cannot understand an issue from an American perspective without having lived in America their whole lives is incredibly dismissive and insulting to every immigrant in this country. Legal immigrants such as Melania have made every effort to assimilate into American culture and make this country their home. To dismiss them as unable to understand America because they may not have grown up here is the height of smug Leftist elitism.

I would say I'm disappointed, but why should I expect anything different?

After all, this...is CNN.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Behold Jeff Flake's Hypocrisy On The Iran Deal!

President Trump officially withdrew the United States from Obama's terrible Iran deal Tuesday afternoon. The Iran deal was widely panned as a raw deal by both Republicans and Democrats when it was signed back in 2015.

Today, however, many representatives and senators who once opposed the Iran deal are blasting Trump for withdrawing from it.

Retiring GOP Senator Jeff Flake has long had a reputation for honesty, integrity, and fairness. Surely he has held a consistent position on the Iran deal over the years. Could Senator Jeff Flake be one of those hypocritical senators who once opposed the Iran deal but wants America to stay in it?

Let's find out:

Welcome to Orange State!

Welcome one and all to Orange State!

First, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

My name is Radius, and I'm just your average, everyday American. I work a minimum of 40 hours a week at a job that could definitely pay more in order to provide for my family. In what little leisure time I have between work and family I blog. I've been blogging for a number of years, starting here at what used to be Trigger Warning Blog. I'm an editor over at the conservative blog Sparta Report, and have been for the last two years.

I also voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

I'll be honest, I didn't start out supporting Donald Trump. Like many I thought his candidacy was simply a flash in the pan. I figured Trump was running for president for self-promotion and to get his name out there in preparation for some sort of venture. Throughout much of the Republican primary season I actually supported Ted Cruz. Cruz struck me as the most conservative candidate with the best message.

As the 2016 Republican primary season wore on I began to hear more and more of Trump's message. I liked a lot of what I heard, but it didn't strike me as a conservative enough message. I consider myself a conservative first and a Republican second. I resolved to continue supporting Ted Cruz with the caveat that if Trump won the Republican nomination I would support him just as fervently as I did Cruz.

Then the 2016 Republican primary took a dark turn. Trump started gaining in the polls, and the Republican candidates attacked him more and more. I noticed that their attacks sounded suspiciously similar to those that Hillary Clinton and other Leftists were using. Ted Cruz himself began using a lot of the same attacks as well. I began to wonder if my conservative hero was really as conservative as I had been led to believe.

Eventually I became disenchanted with Ted Cruz and switched my support fully to Donald Trump. I saw Ted Cruz's main superPAC mercilessly attack Donald Trump's wife Melania over a nude photo shoot that she had done early on in her modeling career. The attacks were vicious, vile, and completely unnecessary. What's worse was that it took Ted Cruz weeks to actually disavow the hateful personal attacks against Melania. That whole affair left a very sour taste in my mouth.

The final straw came when the crowd exiting Donald Trump's rally in Chicago was attacked by hate-filled Leftist protesters. Trump supporters were beaten like dogs in the street simply because they supported someone who the Left disagreed with politically. Ordinary Americans were labeled Nazis, racists, and worse. Trump himself had to be shuffled away from the rally for his own protection. In the aftermath of the violence I saw people like Ted Cruz blaming Trump. Cruz recycled the same disingenuous attacks that the Left was using against Trump.

It was at that moment I resolved to throw my support fully behind Donald Trump.

Things haven't always been easy. There's been a lot of fake news and bias within the Mainstream Media, and even some conservative blogs have presented an unfair picture of President Trump and his agenda. That's why I created Orange State.

The purpose of Orange State is to concentrate on the positive aspects of Donald Trump's presidency. President Trump has done a lot of good for this country. He's managed to roll back much of the disastrous Obama agenda. Trump's economic policies have gone a long way to bringing the country back from Obama's anemic recovery from the Great Recession. Trump's foreign policy has led to America being once again respected by its allies, and feared by its enemies. In short, there has been so much winning that has gone unreported.

Here at Orange State you can expect posts 2-3 times per week that give you the full story on President Trump and the effect his policies are having on the American people. I'll also be pointing out the negative media bias towards Donald Trump, his administration, and indeed his entire family.

Don't come here expecting negative reporting on President Trump. You won't find it. This site is dedicated 100% to supporting President Trump and his agenda. Think of it as my little slice of Internet activism.

Thanks for clicking on the site. Now let's go make America great again!

To 2020 and beyond!

Jennifer Rubin: Burn Republicans, Leave No Survivors

  Jennifer Rubin has thrown herself behind her new role as a left wing provocateur. The "conservative" has spent the last four yea...